[25/03] – EVENTO: “Practice of Law and Professional Ethics in the 21st Century: a
multi-jurisdictional perspective”, com palestra da Dra. Marta Arias Díaz, sócia responsável
pelo European Desk Service.
“An always hot issue: safeguard of the Professional Secret. Its scope and interpretation in
Argentina and other jurisdictions”.
Para conhecimento e divulgação, informamos que o evento
“Practice of Law and Professional
Ethics in the 21st Century: a multi-jurisdictional perspective”, será realizado pela International
Bar Association (IBA), nos dias 10 e 11 de abril, em Buenos Aires (Argentina), onde teremos como um dos
Palestrantes, a Consultora em Direito Estrangeiro, Dra. Marta Arias Díaz, sócia responsável pelo European
Desk Service, do
RONALDO MARTINS & Advogados, que abordará o tema:
“An always hot issue: safeguard of the
Professional Secret. Its scope and interpretation in Argentina and other jurisdictions”.
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